Minimum Progress

University Undergraduate Student Minimum Progress

Effective Fall 2021, prior to Fall 2021 please reference the Minimum Progress Policy in the 2019 Undergraduate Catalog.

Students are expected to maintain at least the minimum required grade point average based on their class standing. Success will result in good standing. Failure to do so will result in academic warning, probation, or suspension. Progress will be reviewed at the end of each academic term (e.g., Fall Semester) in which a student is enrolled in graded coursework and not at the end of each non-standard session or block (e.g., Fall Block 1). A change in a student's academic status will become effective at the point final grades are processed by the Office of the Registrar.* The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is based only on grades earned at The University of Findlay.

*Due to the existence of “full-year” College Credit Plus (CCP) courses that accommodate high school scheduling, some CCP students may not have their Fall minimum progress calculated until the end of the Spring semester. A CCP student who started the year on good standing and enrolled in both full-year (i.e., Fall) and Spring term classes should not end the year on academic suspension, because they could not be previously identified as and notified of academic probation. Instead, they will be placed on academic probation. 

A student's term or cumulative GPA, as well as completion rate (i.e., credit hours completed for a passing grade as a percentage of total registered credit hours) may impact financial aid status, scholarship eligibility, intercollegiate athletic eligibility, participation in performing arts events or campus media roles, and visa status (for international students), in addition to individual program participation. It is the student's responsibility to know or seek guidance on the pertinent academic progress policies applicable to their individual activity at The University of Findlay. A student should review his/her financial status with the Office of Financial Aid when their term or cumulative GPA is determined to be deficient.

WARNING: If a student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.20 but is above 2.00, the student will be placed on academic warning. If a student's term GPA falls below 2.00 but whose cumulative GPA is above 2.20, the student will be placed on academic warning. A student who is on academic warning will receive a letter of concern from the Oiler Success Center inviting them to contact the Center to review their academic performance and outlining available support services.

PROBATION: If a student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, the student will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation will be required to do a Learning Contract with the Oiler Success Center for each term they are on academic probation. If a student on academic probation finishes a term with a cumulative GPA below a 2.00 but their term GPA is above the minimum required level based on their class standing as indicated by the following table, the student would remain on academic probation rather than be subject to suspension. When a student's cumulative GPA is raised to or above 2.20, the student will return to good academic standing.

Class Standing Minimum Required GPA
Freshman 1.60
Sophomore 1.80
Junior 1.90
Senior 2.00

SUSPENSION: If a student who is on academic probation finishes a term with a cumulative GPA below the minimum required level indicated by the table above and their term GPA is also below the minimum required level, the student will be suspended from the University for a period of at least two standard academic terms. The summer term may count as one of the terms. A student returning to the University after suspension will be placed on probation, will be required to do a Learning Contract, and must be advised by an Oiler Success Center adviser. As noted within the description of a Learning Contract, re-entry after suspension may also include restriction on course selection or load.

A student requesting early readmission or to take coursework elsewhere during the mandatory two-term suspension must submit an appeal with support from their adviser and/or the Oiler Success Center to the Student Academic Standards Committee for approval. A student requesting to return after the mandatory two-term suspension only need approval through the Oiler Success Center.

A student wishing to return to the University after their second suspension must appeal to the Student Academic Standards Committee for readmission.

Professional Level Program Minimum Progress: Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD): Students pursuing a professional level program (i.e., Doctor of Pharmacy) are subject to the University Undergraduate Student Minimum Progress Standards throughout their entire course of study as well as subject to any additional progress standards applied by their academic program.

Program Minimum Progress: Some programs at the University have set stricter minimum progress standards, and/or reserve the right to review and apply minimum progress standards for courses ending within a term. These program minimum progress standards may include individual course grades. However, minimum progress standards may also include other non-academic standards (e.g., fitness, personal, and/or professional behavior). A student's failure to meet these stricter progress standards does not preclude the student from being eligible to enroll in another program at the University if they meet University minimum progress standards.

Learning Contract: The Learning Contract is a written agreement between a student and The University of Findlay that delineates what academic progress is required at The University of Findlay, how that academic progress can be achieved, and what methods of assessment will be employed to help a student achieve their academic progress. A Learning Contract may include, but is not limited to class attendance expectations, homework assignment due date expectations, study skills, tutoring, restricted academic loads, personal counseling, career service counseling, and weekly meetings with an Oiler Success Center academic coach.

The goal of a Learning Contract is to outline available support and provide a documented means of how the Oiler Success Center intends to work together with the student in a collaborative effort to improve the student's academic performance and standing at The University of Findlay.