Financial Aid

Each year more than 89 percent of students attending The University of Findlay receive some form of financial assistance coming from federal, state, institutional, and private sources. The following section outlines whether aid needs to be repaid, eligibility requirements to receive these awards, and what a student must do to remain eligible.

Financial aid begins with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students complete this application by visiting at and signing in with their FSA ID. The U.S. Department of Education, the Ohio Department of Higher Education, and the University of Findlay use the FAFSA application to determine student’s eligibility for various types of aid. It is recommended that students who want to use financial aid submit their FAFSA by January 1. Students receiving only an academic merit scholarship are not required to complete the FAFSA (although strongly encouraged) while those students receiving institutional aid who are citizens or eligible non-citizens are required to complete the FAFSA application each year. The application is available at and the University of Findlay school code is 003045.

The Office of Financial Aid is responsible for packaging new and returning students. The academic year at UF has the fall term as the beginning term of an academic year, so this dictates when initial awards will begin. New student awards for the following academic year begin no earlier than October 15th and no later than November 15. These are sent on a regular basis as students are admitted and valid FAFSA applications are received. Returning students with a valid FAFSA will have awards available after fall registration opens. Returning students are not packaged if there are outstanding items that must be completed, such as: verification, c-codes, conflicting information, etc. Financial aid awards can be viewed and printed from the external site for prospective students from the student portal in Workday. Although the University of Findlay seeks to provide comparable aid packages from year-to-year factors such as student eligibility, students moving off-campus, availability of funds, and academic performance may impact award renewal.

Students must understand the timeline for submitting the FAFSA to ensure success and avoid being responsible for large bills. If a student intends to use aid to pay charges and provide a refund, the FAFSA application needs to be submitted 30 days prior to any academic period to process on time. The Office of Financial Aid will process financial aid for FAFSA applications if received before the academic period end date. However, students will experience delays in their financial aid and refund processing. FAFSA applications submitted after the academic period ends are not guaranteed to be processed, there is a high likelihood that students will not be eligible for federal and state aid. Any questions that students or parents have about financial aid may be directed to a member of the financial aid staff at The University of Findlay by letter, telephone (419-434-4791), or via email (