Environmental, Safety and Health Management

Dean of the College of Sciences: Lew Yan Voon

Chair: Lichtveld

Associate Professors: Lichtveld, Murphy

Assistant Professors: Ebersviller, Habekost

Assistant Professor of Teaching: Doyle

Mission and Goals of the Program

The Master of Science in Environmental, Safety and Health Management (ESH) degree is designed to provide graduates with the necessary skills to make managerial decisions and provide leadership in environmental, safety and occupational health (ESH) careers. The program combines science, engineering, policy and business concepts to prepare students in five areas:

  1. Business Knowledge: Understand executive, strategic and operational business concepts as they apply to ESH issues;
  2. Analytical Skills: Use quantitative mathematical/statistical methods as well as program-specific computer applications and online tools to assess and interpret data and other information whether it is of laboratory, field, engineering, financial or managerial origin;
  3. Managerial Skills: Apply the leadership, facilitation, negotiation and coordination techniques that are effectively used to address ESH issues among employees, organizations, communities and nations;
  4. Technical Knowledge: Solve problems in selected areas of regulatory compliance and enforcement; basic and applied ESH science; engineering controls for risk reduction; behavior- and audit-based hazard management systems; functional ESH and project administrative tasks;
  5. Integrative Skills: Integrate business knowledge, analytical skills, managerial skills and technical knowledge into effective actions and presentations.

Admission Requirements

Consideration for admission to the ENVM program requires:

  1. A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or have a minimum cumulative graduate grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale associated with a previous master's degree. This includes classes from all institutions attended. Students who have a 2.50 cumulative undergraduate grade point average may be considered for conditional admission but must attain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average in the first nine hours of the ENVM program to be fully admitted to the program.
  2. Fulfillment of prerequisite competencies, by demonstrated knowledge as a result of undergraduate transcripts or completion of bridge courses.
    1. Math/Statistics — basic algebra, simultaneous equations and basic probability and statistics
    2. Computers — basic word processing and data manipulation using spreadsheets
    3. Chemistry — background in general and organic
    4. Knowledge of United States environmental laws and regulations
    5. Biology and Chemistry — background in basic sciences

      These competencies will be determined or verified in one of two ways. 1) The student will demonstrate competency by presenting an undergraduate transcript that will show at least two courses in biological sciences and two courses in chemistry. 2) Should a student’s transcript not show such courses, the student will be required to take the appropriate bridge course and demonstrate competency with a test that includes relevant questions to those fields. Biological sciences and other relevant science information and competencies will be included in ENVM 503. Chemical sciences and other relevant science information and competencies will be included in ENVM 504.

  3. Demonstrated analytical skills

    1. Students must take the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) prior to full admission to the program and obtain at or above the 35th percentile on the quantitative section OR

    2. Students must take the ENVM 502, Technical Review Course bridge course. Algebra and statistics information and competency are included in this course.

  4. Possession of a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution or first-professional doctorate-degree, specifically when no baccalaureate degree was offered (e.g., PharmD. etc.).

  5. Submission of official transcripts, which can be in the form of attested credentials from a University-recognized document verification agency, of all college-level work.

Students, whose native language is not English and who have not graduated from a University of Findlay approved English speaking university, must meet the previously listed admission conditions plus the following for full admission:

  1. Must have a verified international English Language Testing System (IELTS) of 6.5 composite score with all bands at 6.0 or above, or an equivalent score as indicated on the University of Findlay's English Exam Admission Standards. Full admission is dependent on satisfying all admission requirements; however, students may also receive direct admission with Graduate ESL course prerequisites if no more than two bands are under the minimum.
  2. Provide an affidavit of financial support (original), if not an American citizen or permanent resident.

Those applicants who do not meet full admission criteria or cannot supply a verifiable English score from one of the approved tests as listed above can receive conditional admission. Upon arrival, these students are required to test in the Intensive English Language Program, and if necessary, complete coursework in English as indicated by the University of Findlay's placement exam score before starting their graduate work.

Additionally, if the applicant supplies a non-U.S. school transcript the University's Office of International Admissions and Services may require additional specific documentation. Contact the Office of International Admissions at 800-472-9502 ext. 4558 or https://www.findlay.edu/admissions/international/.

Certificate Requirements

Students who meet the admission standards for the graduate ENVM degree program can choose to complete a certificate program either in addition to or independent of completing other core degree requirements. The certificates are designed to provide focused professional education for ESH managers in industry and the public sector in one or more specialized areas.

Graduate certificates can be pursued in three areas: emergency and disaster management, environmental management and occupational health and safety management. Each requires the successful completion of five courses for 15 semester hours (with a grade of “B-” or better) selected from the groups of graduate offerings listed below. Note that these offerings include courses from Findlay’s master’s degree programs in environmental, safety and health management (ENVM) and education (EDHR).

Students in the master’s degree program can count any of the certificate courses toward the elective portion of their Master of Science degree. They are not required to select elective courses from a single certificate, and instead are encouraged to develop breadth across several professional areas.

Students who already have a Master of Science degree or other professional degree in business, engineering, law or allied health from a recognized accredited institution also are eligible to complete the certificates. Transfer credit from other accredited graduate programs will not be awarded for students enrolled only in the certificate program. Each certificate requires the completion of 15 semester hours of new course work; the students who opt to complete more than one certificate cannot double count any overlapping courses.

ENVM Bridge Course Criteria

  1. All students with an undergraduate education degree obtained outside of the United States (whether on an I-20, other temporary visa or permanent resident) will be conditionally accepted on taking ENVM 501, Anglo-American Jurisprudence and Writing.
  2. All students must take the GRE and obtain at or above the 35th percentile on the Quantitative section or must take ENVM 502, Technical Review Course and receive a satisfactory grade of “B-” or better to demonstrate algebra and statistics competency.
  3. Any student who does not show courses in anatomy and physiology, cellular or microbiology and introductory and organic chemistry must demonstrate competency in these subjects. Any student who completed his or her undergraduate degree more than five years prior to requesting admittance into the program or whose GPA is less than 3.0 in his or her previous 60 hours of course work must take a pretest in biology and chemistry to demonstrate competency in these subjects. Any student who fails to achieve a passing grade on the pretest in biology and chemistry must take the ENVM 503, Biology Review and/or ENVM 504, Chemistry Review course(s) and obtain a minimum performance of “B-” or better. Students may be exempted at the discretion of the academic program director and be conditionally accepted to the program and then complete the requirement within the first year of starting the program.