VI. Disciplinary Procedures in instances of Student Organization Misconduct.

In the event a recognized student organization is accused of misconduct, the following procedure will generally be followed:

  1. Upon notification of a violation, a representative from the Division of Student Affairs will meet with the president of the organization to investigate the situation.
  2. If, after investigation, the violation does not warrant loss of University recognition, the matter will be handled following the procedures outlined under Section IV.
  3. If, after investigation, the violation appears to warrant loss of University recognition, the matter will be handled following the procedures outlined under Section V.
  4. In all instances the president of the accused student organization shall serve as the official spokesperson, and shall be responsible for presenting all information regarding the matter.
  5. If a student organization is placed on probation status, any violations occurring during the term of that probation will be investigated by appropriate staff members, and the matter will be adjudicated by the vice president for student affairs. Decisions rendered by the vice president for student affairs regarding violations occurring during the probation term shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal.