IX. Policies Regulating Experiential Learning

Students who are representing The University of Findlay in any off-campus experience are governed by this policy. This may include internships, service-learning opportunities, clinical/field work, student teaching, observations, etc. Students of The University of Findlay are expected to act in a professional, responsible, accountable, and honest manner at all times and should abide by the Code of Ethics which regulates his/her profession as well as The University of Findlay’s honor code. In addition, the student is expected to be compliant with program policies, procedures, and standards and those of the clinical training site. During experiential learning, all state and federal laws and regulations must be followed. If there is a breach in maintaining these expectations, the following level of action may occur. Please note that outside parties may not represent, be present, or participate in any part of this process.

Level One: A verbal notice will be used to call a student’s attention to non-compliance with program policies, procedures, and/or program standards as well as those established by the learning site. The verbal notice will be documented in the student’s record. If there is a breach in maintaining expectations, one or more of the following levels of actions may occur in any order.

Level Two Probation: A formal, written document will be composed and delivered to a student regarding the incident of continued non-compliance to the issue prompting a level one action. The student is considered to be on probation and will be closely monitored for academic and/or professional misconduct. The student should closely examine his/her behavior and follow a program-prescribed resolution plan to correct the behavior and/or academic performance.

Level Three Suspension: Suspension will result in the termination of the student’s status and participation in program-related activities for a defined period of time with reinstatement possible, provided all specific conditions for reinstatement were met. The student has the right to due process and is invited to engage in the University appeal process as outlined in “Process to be followed After an Experiential Learning Event” provided below.

Level Four Dismissal: Dismissal of a student terminates a student’s status in a program and ends all participation in learning activities. The student does not have the opportunity for readmission to the program. The student has the right to due process and is invited to engage in the University appeal process as outlined in “Process to be followed After an Experiential Learning Event” provided below.