Graduate Minimum Progress

Degree-seeking students enrolled in the graduate programs are expected to make normal progress toward meeting degree requirements. Failure to do so will result in academic probation or suspension from the University. Progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester and students will be notified if they are not making adequate progress. Graduate academic status does not preclude a student from registering in undergraduate courses.

A student’s minimum progress is tracked by cumulative grade point average. A student must maintain minimum progress based on the following conditions or he/she will be placed on academic probation or suspension from the University.

Note: Individual program policies may be more stringent than university policies. Please refer to the graduate program to determine its standard of minimum progress.


If a student’s cumulative grade point average falls below a 3.0 he/she will be placed on probation.

If a student is on probation but obtains a session GPA of at least a 3.0 he/she will remain on probation.

A student may be removed from probation and return to good standing once he/she has successfully improved his/her cumulative GPA to at least 3.0.


If a student is on probation and his/her session GPA is below a 3.0 he/she will be placed on suspension.

Suspension from the University lasts for a period of one semester. Readmission after the first University suspension is handled through the Office of Academic Affairs and the student’s specific graduate program. A student who is suspended more than once must appeal for readmission to the Graduate Student Academic Standards Committee and also his/her specific graduate program.

Students returning from suspension are automatically placed on probation.

In order to graduate a student MUST have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0.