The Grade of Incomplete

A grade of incomplete (X), initiated by the student, will be approved only when documented circumstances beyond a student’s control (such as serious illness or other emergency) have prevented the student from completing the course work. Inability to get work in on time will not constitute a reason for the grade of “X.” Once a student has initiated a conversation with the instructor and provided reasonable evidence for the need for an incomplete grade, the instructor must complete an Incomplete Grade Request in Workday which will be routed to the appropriate college dean. The approved Incomplete Grade Request will then be routed to the Office of the Registrar for processing which must be done prior to the last date and time to submit final grades. A student must complete the course work within 10 weeks (or a shorter time period based on the discretion of the instructor) immediately following the end of the course session in which the incomplete grade was given. The time limit may be extended, up to one year following the end of the course session in which the “X” was given, at the discretion of the instructor and the dean of the college responsible for the course. If a student does not complete the required course work within the prescribed time period, the “X” grade will automatically convert to an “F.” Once the remaining course work is completed, the instructor must initiate the Grade Change process in Workday, which routes to the appropriate department chair and college dean for approval, and then routes to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

At the graduate level, a maximum of three "X" grades or nine semester hours will be permitted. If a student should carry four or more "X" grades, the student will NOT be permitted to register for additional courses until the "X" grades are reduced to a maximum of three "X" grades or nine semester hours.