Student Responsibility Statement

The responsibility for planning academic programs rests largely with the student. Students must study the catalog and academic announcements carefully and arrange to take the required courses at the proper time. However, the services of faculty advisers, college deans, and the director of career planning are available to students.

It is the responsibility of the student to a) acquire the information needed to assume final responsibility for course scheduling, program planning, and the successful completion of all graduation requirements; b) seek the academic and career information needed to meet educational goals; c) become knowledgeable about the relevant policies, procedures, and rules of the University, college, and academic program; d) be prepared with accurate information and relevant materials when contacting the faculty adviser; e) consult with a faculty adviser at least once a semester to decide on courses, review the accuracy of the degree audit, check progress toward graduation, and discuss the suitability of other educational opportunities provided by the University.