Process to Be Followed After an Experiential Learning Event

  1. When a learning agency contacts The University of Findlay program about a student’s progress, complete written information will be collected concerning the event.
  2. The learning coordinator of the program may visit the site to gather additional information.
  3. A review of the situation will occur.
  4. A decision about the event will be reached by the faculty member, adviser, and program director and/or department chair. The student will be notified in writing of the decision.
  5. The student has the right to appeal the decision to the Experiential Education Committee. This committee will be convened by the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled. The members of the committee shall include: a faculty representative of the College of Health Professions, College of Education, and College of Business as well as two at-large faculty members. In addition, the faculty member of the course in which the student is registered, the student’s adviser, and the program director and/or department chair of the student’s major will attend the meeting. The committee will listen to the student’s appeal as well as the faculty member’s comments and then reach a decision.
  6. The program director and/or department chair will notify the student of the Experiential Education Committee’s decision.
  7. The student has the right to appeal the decision to the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs. In such a case, the following process shall be followed:
    1. The student may file a written application for permission to appeal to the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs. Such application shall identify the matter and contain a concise statement of the reason for the appeal (e.g., a claim that the finding of responsibility is contrary to the manifest weight of the information presented at the hearing; that the sanction assessed exceeds that prescribed for the violation for which the student was cited; other substantial errors in the original proceeding) and shall be filed within 72 hours from the pronouncement of the decision.
    2. The vice president for academic affairs shall consider the application as promptly as possible and may call the appellant to appear to make a further statement or explanation in support of the application before deciding whether to grant the application. If it is decided that the application is not merely frivolous and does present a substantial question whether real injustice has been done, the application shall be granted and the matter reviewed. Once the review is completed, the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs may sustain, reverse, or modify the decision and orders made based on the original decision.
    3. The judgment and final orders of the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, including orders denying applications to appeal, shall not be subject to review by or appeal to any higher authority.