International Education/Study Abroad

Education is about much more than attending classes. At the University of Findlay, we strive to provide students with transformative experiences that lead to an international perspective and a deeper cultural understanding of the world. The Office of International Education helps prepare individuals to be successful members of the diverse, interconnected world of the 21st-century. Through educational programming, engagement activities, cultural exploration and outings, travel and study abroad, this office assists individuals in coming to a better understanding their own cultural identity, developing an awareness of and appreciation for the commonalities and differences among individuals and within cultures, improving intercultural skills, gaining knowledge of global issues and understanding how actions in one part of the world impact others, developing cultural humility, and ultimately contributing positively to our global society. At the University of Findlay some of the ways in which we support students in this way are through the following:

  • International/Intercultural Engagement Opportunities for Students
    Lectures and dialogues with international scholars, visiting professors, intercultural classroom engagement and presentations, game nights, cultural performances, international cooking demonstrations, special outings to cultural activities and festivals, culturally diverse communities, museums, sporting events, and conferences.
  • International Opportunities for Students
    • International Exchanges (Faculty, Staff and Students)
      Agreements between UF and institutional partners throughout the world allow for the movement and exchange of faculty, staff and students both inward and outbound from UF for educational, cultural, practical and professional experience. Program duration ranges from one week to one full academic year.
    • Faculty-led International Programs
      Students can apply to join cohorts that are advised, guided, and accompanied by UF faculty members for programs in a variety of international locations to research, study, serve, and engage in cultural exploration and learning.
    • Individual Study Abroad Programs
      Individual students looking for an academic experience in an international location can select from programs offered by a University of Findlay partner university or through a commercial partner provider for short-term, summer, semester, or academic year-long terms. Academic credit earned abroad is transferred back to UF and included in the student record towards meeting graduation requirements.
    • Service Programs Abroad
      Service is an important aspect of the UF experience and a value that we, as Oilers, hold dear. There are many opportunities for bringing meaning to one’s life through service to others. In addition to the numerous on and off-campus service and academic service-learning opportunities offered by the Office of Service and Community Engagement, service in the global community is also available at UF. Travel to Central and South America, and the Caribbean for short durations during the academic breaks (winter, spring, and summer) provides students, as well as faculty and staff, the opportunity to support the needs of people and communities beyond our borders

Opportunities to travel, explore, study, and serve, are available in countries throughout the world. The Office of International Education can provide assistance with getting you where you would like to go, meeting the people you would like to meet, and learning what you hope to learn about yourself and others.

Contact Information
The Office of International Education is located in the Buford Center for Diversity and Service at 1222 North Cory Street. Additional information about the International Education/Study Abroad can be found at or by emailing