Tobacco Free Campus Policy

University of Findlay 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

The 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy is part of the university’s commitment to creating a healthy campus for all members of the University of Findlay community. The policy is designed to be positive and supportive of health and well-being for all.

Policy Definitions
a. Tobacco product: Any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco or nicotine, that is intended for human consumption or is likely to be consumed, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to, a cigarette, a cigar, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, or snus. (Tobacco product also means electronic cigarettes and any component or accessory used in the consumption of such a device, such as filter, rolling papers, pipes, and substances used in electronic cigarettes, whether or not they contain nicotine.)

b. Smoking: Inhaling, or exhaling smoke, aerosol or vapor from any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other product, whether natural or synthetic, made of tobacco, nicotine, tobacco, marijuana, or another plant, that is intended for inhalation. Smoking includes being in possession of a lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other tobacco product intended for inhalation , or an electronic cigarette that is turned on or otherwise activated.

c. Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette or vaping): Any product that can be used by a person to deliver nicotine, or any other substance, through the inhalation of aerosol or vapor from the product. The term includes, but is not limited to, devices manufactured, distributed, marketed, or sold as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vapes, vape pens, dab pens, dab rigs, tanks, mods, pod-mods, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), or under any other product name or descriptor.

d. Litter: garbage, trash, waste, rubbish, ashes, cans, bottles, wire, paper, cartons, boxes, glass, cigarette remnants, chew, or anything else of an unsightly or unsanitary nature.

e. Facilities: all buildings owned and/or controlled by the University of Findlay and including shelters, gazebos, indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, indoor and outdoor theatres, walkways, sidewalks owned and maintained by the University of Findlay, University housing, and parking lots.

Policy Statement
Smoking and the use of tobacco products, tobacco-related devices, and
e-cigarettes are prohibited in all facilities owned or leased by the University of Findlay and on the grounds of any property owned or leased by the University. Use of tobacco is also prohibited in any vehicle or equipment owned, leased or operated by the University of Findlay.

Policy Applications
All persons on University of Findlay property must comply with this 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. Impacted individuals include: all employees, students, vendors, contractors and guests of the University of Findlay. Persons observing a violation of this policy should, if feasible, and in a respectful and polite manner, inform the violator about the 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy by directing their attention to the appropriate signage. Continued or repeated
non-compliance with the policy should not be handled by individuals but should instead be reported to campus authority including, when appropriate, the office of campus security.

Signage indicating the University of Findlay is a tobacco-free environment will be posted throughout University property at building entrances and other appropriate locations.

The University of Findlay Tobacco-Free policy will be included in organizational guidelines and student/faculty handbooks and related materials.

Effective Date: This policy will take effect on August 1, 2018.

Violations (Visitors)
If visitors (vendors, contractors, and guests) fail to comply with the 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy upon request, they will be asked to leave the campus.

Violations (Employees)
University of Findlay Employees in violation of the 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy University policy will be sanctioned according to the University policies and procedures that pertain to employees.

Violations (Students)
Students in violation of the 100% Tobacco-Free Campus Policy will be sanctioned according to University policies and procedures that pertain to students.

Tobacco Cessation Education and Resources

Student and UF Employees: The Cosiano Health Center offers a variety of resources to help students quit tobacco use. Free one-on-one consultations are available for students to receive information on cessation aids and/or medications. University of Findlay Counseling services can assist with behavioral modifications and relapse. For more information, go to the University of Findlay website (Health Services) or call the Cosiano Health Center (419)434-4550.

The Fresh Start Program from the American Cancer Society is a group-based cessation program offered on the University of Findlay campus. The program is comprised of four one-hour sessions, lead by a certified facilitator.

Blanchard Valley Hospital also offers many different resources to help encourage cessation. For more information, visit the hospital website ( or call (419)425-5676.

UF Employees: The UMR (University of Findlay’s third party insurance administrator) offers resources to employees who enroll in the university’s health insurance plan. Information can be found on their website:

Property Included
University of Findlay property as defined in the following boundary maps, including any property owned, operated, and controlled by the university.

Main Campus/Armstrong Sports Complex
Western Farm
English Farm
All Hazards Training Center
Rieck Center