General Financial Aid Awarding Policy

The Office of Financial Aid will base a student’s cost of attendance and financial aid package on the concept of “load status” for an academic period. The load status is calculated using a typical attendance pattern for a student’s program of study or total number of credits a student is attempting that academic period which apply to their program of study. The Office of Financial Aid dictates which method is used and when. The typical attendance plan will define load status prior to and no later than the first day of classes for the academic period. A student’s actual enrollment will be used no later than the first day of classes for the academic period.

Any changes in a student’s registration after the term starts can cause fluctuations in cost of attendance and/or the financial aid package. The Office of Financial Aid will determine a date each academic period when a student’s load status is locked, this is the financial aid census date. Once the load status is locked, the cost of attendance and financial aid will be recalculated one last time for the academic period. For this reason, a student should have accurate registration at the start of each academic period. Accurate registration is very important and having a schedule finalized by the first day of classes is very important.