Change of Schedule

Adjustments (add/drops) to schedules are completed by a student, by a faculty adviser, or by a member of the Oiler Success Center when the faculty adviser is unavailable. Adding a course, dropping a course, or changing from one section of the same course constitutes a change of schedule. With written permission from the instructor, a student may add a course or change sections after the fifth day through Friday of the third week of class of the standard semester. If an instructor declines a late enrollment request, a student will have five working days to appeal to the Student Academic Standards Committee. All requests to add courses after the third week of a standard semester must be sent to the Student Academic Standards Committee for approval.

For classes that are shorter than a standard semester, a student may add a course or change from one section to another section of the same course after the third day through Friday of the second week of classes with written permission from the instructor. If an instructor declines a late enrollment request for a non-standard semester course, a student will have two working days to appeal to the Student Academic Standards Committee. All requests to add courses after the second week of classes for classes shorter than a standard semester must be sent to the Student Academic Standards Committee for approval.

Courses that are dropped by a student on or before the sixth day in a standard semester or on or before the third day for a short course will not appear on the student's transcript. Any courses dropped after the periods stated previously, but before the last day to withdraw, will be shown on the transcript as a "W." If schedule changes are not handled within the stated time limits, students are subject to receive a failing grade in the courses for which they are officially enrolled. Students will not receive credit for courses attended without official registration.