Compassionate Withdrawal

A. Appropriate action may be implemented when there is clear and convincing evidence that certain physical, psychological, emotional health conditions or significant life-changing events interfere with the student’s ability to function effectively in the academic environment. A compassionate withdrawal acknowledges that the student’s condition/situation prevented them from completing the current semester's academic responsibilities. The severity and duration of the problem must be such that it should be unreasonable to expect the student to make up missed classwork. A student requesting a compassionate withdrawal must ask for it within four weeks of the end of the semester for which the student is requesting the compassionate withdrawal. An exception to this deadline may be granted if the student is incapacitated and unable to meet this timeline.

B. When the situation of a student is believed to be as defined in paragraph (A) above, the Compassionate Withdrawal Committee chaired by the Director of Orientation & Student Persistence and consisting of a representative from Financial Aid, Director of Counseling Services and/or Director of Health Services, Registrar, Accounts Receivable Manager, and a faculty coach will review the case. This review will include a personal statement, medical evidence, supplied documentation of situation, and any other relevant evidence. Upon review, the committee will determine a recommended university action. The recommendation of the Compassionate Withdrawal Committee will be forwarded to the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Business Affairs for a final decision.

C. A compassionate withdrawal, if granted, may include the following:

  1. A student being withdrawn from all course work (whether passing or failing) for the current semester. The student’s transcript for the semester would indicate “withdrawal due to medical or other exceptional circumstances.” The specific nature of the compassionate withdrawal is not indicated to protect the student’s confidentiality. Under this circumstance, there will be a hold placed on the student’s account for future registration until the student meets with the chair of the Compassionate Withdraw Committee to discuss their situation and provide documentation, including a personal statement, that their situation has improved. This documentation will be reviewed by the Compassionate Withdraw committee for a final determination if the student will be permitted to reenroll.
  2. Classes, of the semester in question, would be withdrawn with the date proposed by the Committee. **If Title IV funds are involved there would be a recalculation of these funds per federal financial aid regulations.

D. The decision, to accept or deny a student’s request for a compassionate withdrawal, once rendered by the Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Business Affairs, will be sent to the student by the Oiler Success Center.

E. If a student wishes to reenter the university and return to a professional/graduate/cohort based program where policies for withdrawal and return exist, the student will follow program process and policies in order to be reinstated to the program.