ESOH 490 Internship in Environmental, Safety, and Occupational Health Management

This experience includes a practical experience-oriented activity demonstrating cumulative skills and knowledge involving an internship, co-op, or other significant work experience in which students work for a company or public entity involved in any facet of an environmental, safety, and health industry. The work experience must be pre-approved by a faculty member and the Center for Career and Professional Development. Regular reports and a portfolio of material accomplished during the experience must be presented to the faculty member to receive credit. The number of credits will be determined with the student's adviser. This course will be graded S/U and may be repeated with a maximum of 15 semester hours applying toward a degree.


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ESOH 100, ESOH 180, ESOH 270, and ESOH 300 and at least two science courses, permission of the instructor, completion of an application from the Center for Career and Professional Development, minimum of 2.75 GPA and a minimum of 30 semester hours from The University of Findlay

