ESOH 475 Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Compliance and Enforcement

Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Compliance and Enforcement identifies present day regulatory and enforcement initiatives that have been established as priorities by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The course studies the means by which these regulatory initiatives are promulgated and implemented through the rulemaking process, agency outreach, and site inspections conducted by OSHA compliance safety and health officers and federal and state EPA inspectors. In the event that noncompliance with a regulatory initiative is detected during an inspection or self-reporting, regulatory enforcement may be initiated. As such, the course also introduces and examines the potential administrative and judicial (civil and criminal) enforcement alternatives used by the agencies to achieve compliance and deter future noncompliance. Both OSHA and EPA penalty policies and settlement initiatives are introduced, discussed, and their application examined. Particular emphasis is placed upon (1) current and selected readings in environmental, safety and occupational health and (2) mastery of key environmental, health, and safety regulations.




ESOH 205, ESOH 270, and ESOH 300 or permission of the instructor