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The University of Findlay
Undergraduate Catalog
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Graduate Catalog
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ACAD - Academic Support and University-Wide
ACCT - Accounting
ADDC - Substance Use Disorder
AERO - Aerospace Studies
ANHS - Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Health Sciences
ANSC - Animal Science
ANTH - Anthropology
ART - Art
ASLA - Animal Science Loop Abroad
BIOL - Biology
BLMC - Bilingual Multicultural Studies
BSAD - Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Business Management
BSEM-Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Environmental Safety and Health Management
BSLA - Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Liberal Arts
BUAD - Business Administration
CHEM - Chemistry
CJUS - Criminal Justice
COLL - Organization and Travel and Colloquia
COMM - Media and Communication
CSCI - Computer Science
DMSA - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
DMSE - Echocardiography
DMSG - Diagnostic Medical Sonography General
DMSV-Vascular Sonography
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ELAC - English Language and American Culture
ENGL - English
ENIN - Intensive English Language Program
ENTP - Entrepreneurship
EQST - Equestrian Studies and Equine Management
ESOH-Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Management
FNCE - Finance
FORS - Forensic Science
FREN - French
GEND - Gender Studies
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
GERN - Gerontology
HCMG - Healthcare Management
HIST - History
HMGT - Hospitality Management
HNRS - Honors
HUMN - Humanities
JAPN - Japanese
MATH - Mathematics
MGMT - Management
MRKT - Marketing
MSL - Military Science and Leadership
MTCC - Medical Laboratory Science
MTMH - Medical Laboratory Science
MTON - Medical Laboratory Science
MUSC - Music
NMED - Nuclear Medicine Technology
NURS - Nursing
OCTH - Occupational Therapy
PBAD - Public Administration
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLAW - Pre-law Studies
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
PVET - Pre-Veterinary Medicine
RELI - Religious Studies
SBST - Sport Business Strategy
SCON - Strength and Conditioning
SOCI - Sociology
SOWK - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPED - Special Education
SPEM - Sport and Event Management
SSCI - Social Science
SYSA - Systems Analysis
THEA - Theatre
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Undergraduate Catalog
> ANSC - Animal Science
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ANSC - Animal Science
ANSC 110 First-year Experience for Animal Science Majors
ANSC 131 Introduction to Animal Science
ANSC 133 Practical Animal Handling I: Equine
ANSC 134 Practical Animal Handling II: Food Animals
ANSC 231 Principles of Food Animal Nutrition
ANSC 232 Physiology of Reproduction and Growth
ANSC 240 Animal Products
ANSC 260 Principles of Meat Science
ANSC 305 Graduate/Professional School Seminar
ANSC 310 Principles of Animal Breeding and Genetics
ANSC 315 Farm Business Management
ANSC 320 Meat Animal Evaluation
ANSC 330 Forage and Crop Production
ANSC 331 Small Animal Medicine
ANSC 332 Food Animal Medicine
ANSC 340 Livestock and Agricultural Product Merchandising
ANSC 351 Beef Production and Management
ANSC 351L Beef Production and Management/Lab
ANSC 352 Dairy Production and Management
ANSC 352L Dairy Production and Management/Lab
ANSC 353 Sheep Production and Management
ANSC 353L Sheep Production and Management/Lab
ANSC 354 Swine Production and Management
ANSC 354L Swine Production and Management/Lab
ANSC 355 Horse Production and Management
ANSC 355L Horse Production and Management/Lab
ANSC 356 Poultry Production and Management
ANSC 356L Poultry Production and Management Lab
ANSC 360 Principles of Food Safety
ANSC 399 Junior Seminar in Animal Science
ANSC 402 Advanced Animal Reproduction
ANSC 404 Advanced Animal Nutrition
ANSC 412 Advanced Food Animal Reproduction Techniques
ANSC 435 Introduction to Animal Ultrasound
ANSC 460 Meat Products and Processing
ANSC 470 Research in Animal Science
ANSC 480 Internship
ANSC 485 International Animal Science Experience
ANSC 490 Advanced Topics in Animal Science
ANSC 499 Senior Seminar in Animal Science