Department of Computer Science

Chair: Schneider

Associate Professor: Schneider

Assistant Professors: Gunnett, Herald, Roll, Wilson

Instructor of Teaching: Breitigan

A Bachelor of Science degree is granted for completion of baccalaureate programs in the Department of Computer Science.

Baccalaureate Programs:

Computer Science - Business Emphasis

Computer Science - Computer Systems Emphasis

Computer Science - Computer Technology Emphasis (for graduates of departmentally approved two-year computer-related programs)

Computer Science - Data Analytics Emphasis

Computer Science - Information Assurance Emphasis

Computer Science - Mathematics Emphasis

Computer Science - Web and Database Emphasis


Computer Science

Data Analytics

Information Management and Design

Associate Program:

Computer Science


Data Analytics

Information Assurance

Competency Requirements

Students pursuing four-year degrees in the Department of Computer Science are required to complete one course from each of the three following lists. Students pursuing two-year degrees are required to complete one of the following courses.

Philosophy   PHIL 224: Ethics and Technology
Writing ENGL 272: Introduction to Technical Communication
MATH 123: Elementary Statistics
  MATH 221: Integrated Statistical Analysis
  MATH 223: Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
  MATH 410: Probability and Statistics

Students whose programs and goals make other competency areas appropriate may petition the Department of Computer Science to allow substitutions for areas listed above.

The computer science major takes the computer science core requirements and completes one of the computer science emphases.