Employer Reimbursement Policy

The University of Findlay’s Employer Reimbursement Plan is designed for students whose employer offers reimbursement in full or in part for tuition and fees. It allows participants to defer their tuition payments to the University until after the term has ended.


Participation in the plan is open to students in undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. To be accepted into this program, the student must be in good financial standing with the University; student must have no outstanding balance.


To apply for the plan, students must complete the Employer Reimbursement Application form through Workday and attach the completed Employer Verification form or equivalent documentation to the application. Students must apply for each session that they attend class(es). Applications must be submitted at least one week prior to the beginning of the session. Late fees will be waived on current accounts after receipt of the application. Late fees assessed prior to submitting the application will not be waived or canceled.

Payment Information

Upon acceptance of the application, any amount not covered by the employer must be paid in full by the student at least one week prior to the session start or at the time of registration. In the event that the student portion is not paid by the due date, Late Fees and registration/transcript/diploma holds may apply. The employer covered amount of tuition and charges will be due no later than 30 days after the end of the session.

Students are required to pay the deferred portion of their bill whether or not they have completed the course work, have received extended credit or have been reimbursed by their employer. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the employer fulfills its obligation.

In the event that payment for deferred tuition/charges is not received by the required time, the following sanctions will apply:

  • The unpaid balance will be due immediately;
  • Late fees will be added to the student’s account according to the University’s current policy;
  • A hold will be placed on future registrations and transcript/diploma releases;
  • The student may be ineligible for the plan in the future;
  • Student will be liable for collection, court, and legal costs.


The University of Findlay reserves the right to conduct random audits, which may involve contacting the employer about the student’s employment status.


If the student withdraws from the University, all payments are due immediately. The normal University Charge Adjustment Schedule would then apply. For more information, go to www.findlay.edu/studentaccounts to view the withdrawal policy.