Professional Tuition and Fees Effective Fall 2024

Tuition (Fall and Spring Semesters)
Per Hour
 Per Semester

Full-time Pharmacy (12-18 credit hours)

Fall 2022 Starts and Later*




Full-time Pharmacy (12-18 credit hours) 

Pre-Fall 2022 starts*




Part-time Pharmacy (less than 12 credit hours)

Fall 2022 Starts and Later



Part-time Pharmacy (less than 12 credit hours)

Pre-Fall 2022 starts


Overload Tuition - hours in excess of 18 credit hours




Tuition (Summer Semester)

Per Hour

Per Semester


Full-time Pharmacy (12-18 credit hours)

Ineligible for Institutional Aid during the Summer Semester



Part-time Pharmacy (less than 12 credit hours)


Overload Tuition - hours in excess of 18 credit hours




Mandatory Fees

Per Hour

Per Semester


Student Activity Fee (non-refundable) - 12 or more credit hours*



Student Activity Fee (non-refundable) - 6 or less than 12 credit hours



General Service Fee (non-refundable) - more than 9 credit hours*



General Service Fee (non-refundable) - 9 hours or less credit hours


One-Time Registration Fee (Freshmen/Transfers/Readmits)


One-Time Orientation Fee (Freshmen, Transfers)




Other Fees

Private Music Lessons (one 1/2 hour lesson per week) 


Proficiency Exam 


Independent Study/Directed Study Fee 

$100 plus tuition

Official Transcripts 

$7.50 per transcript 

UF Payment Plan Fee  

$65 per semester 

Returned Payment Fee (Check, ACH or Credit/Debit Card) 

  $30 per item

Audit - full-time (12-18 credit hours) professional student (Student must pay applicable course fees.)

 No Charge

Audit - part-time (less than 12 credit hours) professional student (Student must pay applicable course fees.)

 $50 per hour

Course Fees

 See Course Fee Schedule


Professional-level students pursuing a joint program will be charged tuition and fees within the Professional charge structure.

*Annual = Students who are full-time (12-18 credit hours) for Fall and Spring Semesters. Does not include Summer.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right at any time to amend or add to the regulations of the University, including those concerning fees and methods of payment. The amendments and/or additions apply to students currently enrolled as well as to new students