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The University of Findlay
Graduate Catalog
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Graduate Catalog
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Graduate Programs
Professional Program
ADDC - Substance Use Disorder
BIOL - Biology
BLMC - Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Applied Linguistics
CHEM - Chemistry
COMM - Master of Arts in Professional Communication
CSCI - Master of Science in Applied Security and Analytics
ECON - Economics
Education Courses
EDAD - Educational Administration
EDCI - Education Curriculum and Instruction
EDFI - Education Foundations and Inquiry
EDHR - Education Human Resources Development
EDIS - Education Intervention Specialists
EDPY - Education School Psychology
EDSP - Education Special Programming
EDUC - Education
ENGL - Master of Arts in Rhetoric and Writing
ENIN - Intensive English Language Program
ENVM - Master of Science in Environmental, Safety and Health Management
GEOG - Geography
GRAD - Graduate
HCMG - Healthcare Management
HINF - Master of Science in Health Informatics
HIST - History
MATH - Mathematics
MBA - Master of Business Administration
MSRS - Master of Science in Radiologic Sciences
OCTH - Occupational Therapy
PHAR - Doctor of Pharmacy
PHAS - Master of Physician Assistant
PHTH - Doctor of Physical Therapy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
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Graduate Catalog
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Undergraduate Catalog
Graduate Catalog
2014 Graduate Catalog
2015 Undergraduate Catalog
2016 Graduate Catalog
2017 Undergraduate Catalog
2018 Graduate Catalog
2019 Undergraduate Catalog
2020 Graduate Catalog
2021 Undergraduate Catalog
2022 Graduate Catalog
2023 Undergraduate Catalog
2024 Graduate Catalog
2013-2015 Undergraduate Catalog
2012-2014 Graduate Catalog
2011-2013 Undergraduate Catalog
2010-2012 Graduate Catalog
2009-2011 Undergraduate Catalog
2008-2010 Graduate Catalog
2007-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
2006-2008 Graduate Catalog
2005-2007 Undergraduate Catalog
Education Courses
EDAD 545 Independent Study in Educational Administration
EDAD 546 Workshop in Educational Administration
EDAD 547 Seminar in Educational Administration
EDAD 568 The Principalship
EDAD 570 Curriculum and Instruction
EDAD 572 Student Personnel Services
EDAD 574 Supervision and Professional Development
EDAD 576 School Finances and Resources
EDAD 578 Educational Law
EDAD 580 Internship Supervision
EDAD 582 Internship Administrative Tasks
EDAD 584 Organization and Administration of Special Education
EDAD 586 Technology and Assessment for Administrators
EDAD 610 The Superintendent
EDAD 611 Buildings, Grounds and Facilities Management
EDAD 612 School and Community Relations
EDAD 613 Collective Bargaining/District Finance
EDAD 614 Superintendent Internship
EDCI 520 Clinical Practice
EDCI 528 Assessment/Evaluation for Middle Childhood, Adolescent/Young Adult and Multi-Age
EDCI 529 Classroom Management for Middle Childhood, Adolescent/Young Adult and Multi-Age
EDCI 531 Integrated Mathematics Methods and Curriculum for Middle Childhood and Adolescent/Young Adult
EDCI 532 Integrated Language Arts Methods for Middle Childhood and Adolescent/Young Adult
EDCI 533 Integrated Science Methods for Middle Childhood and Adolescent/Young Adult
EDCI 534 Integrated Social Studies Methods for Middle Childhood and Adolescent/Young Adult
EDCI 540 Curriculum and Discovery Environments for Children
EDCI 542 Early Childhood Assessment and Observation
EDCI 545 Independent Study in Curriculum and Instruction
EDCI 546 Workshop in Curriculum and Instruction
EDCI 547 Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction
EDCI 553 Curriculum Design and Methods of Teaching for Adolescent/Young Adult and Multi-Age
EDCI 554 World Language Methods for Multi-Age
EDCI 557 Health Methods for Multi-Age
EDCI 558 Physical Education Methods for Multi-Age
EDCI 559 Visual Arts Methods for Multi-Age
EDCI 560 Integrated Language Arts and Social Studies Methods for the Primary Grades
EDCI 565 Integrating Literature and the Arts
EDCI 568 Integrating Mathematics and Science for Primary Grades
EDCI 572 Social Skills Development and Behavior in Young Children
EDCI 580 Capstone Seminar
EDFI 500 Orientation Seminar for Preservice Teachers
EDFI 503 The Teaching Profession
EDFI 504 Human Development
EDFI 520 Culturally Responsive Practices
EDFI 525 Phonics and Foundations of Literacy
EDFI 530 Structured Literacy
EDFI 535 Reading Interventions
EDFI 538 Reading and Writing Across the Content Areas
EDFI 540 Integrating Reading Assessments and Instruction
EDFI 543 Research in Reading
EDFI 545 Independent Study in Foundations and Inquiry
EDFI 546 Workshop in Foundations and Inquiry
EDFI 547 Seminar in Foundations and Inquiry
EDFI 560 Technology Integration
EDFI 565 Curriculum and Instruction for Online Learners
EDFI 570 Assessment and Data-Driven Decisions for Online Learners
EDFI 575 Current Issues in Educational Technology
EDFI 580 Organization and Management of Educational Technology
EDFI 585 Practicum in Educational Technology
EDFI 591 Student Teaching
EDFI 650 Literacy Assessment, Curriculum Alignment and Data Analysis
EDFI 655 Internship: Reading Endorsement
EDFI 660 Professional Development and Adult Learners
EDFI 670 Literacy Leadership
EDFI 675 The Science of Reading for Literacy Leaders
EDFI 680 Language Literacies
EDHR 545 Independent Study in Human Resource Development
EDHR 546 Workshop in Human Resource Development
EDHR 547 Seminar in Human Resource Development
EDHR 641 Training and Development in Organizations
EDHR 642 Instructing the Adult Learner
EDHR 643 Assessment, Curriculum, Evaluation: Technology Integration
EDIS 509 Introduction to Education of Exceptional Students in the General Curriculum
EDIS 525 The Intervention Specialist's Role in Consultation and Collaboration
EDIS 530 Differentiation and Inclusive Teaching
EDIS 535 Families of Children with Special Needs
EDIS 537 Diagnostic Assessment and Prescriptive Teaching for the Exceptional Population
EDIS 538 Instructional Methods for Students with Specific Learning and Developmental Disabilities
EDIS 540 Alternative Approaches: Behavior Management and Social Skills Development
EDIS 543 Neurobiology of Learning and Behavior
EDIS 544 Vocational Transitions and Career Exploration
EDIS 545 Independent Study for Intervention Specialists
EDIS 546 Workshop for Intervention Specialists
EDIS 547 Seminar for Intervention Specialists
EDIS 550 Intervention Techniques: Young Children with Disabilities
EDPY 600 Role and Function of the School Psychologist
EDPY 602 Developmental Child Psychopathology and Interventions
EDPY 604 Issues and Practices in Special Education
EDPY 606 Psychoeducational Assessment and Interventions I
EDPY 608 Psychoeducational Assessment and Interventions II
EDPY 610 Practicum I in School Psychology
EDPY 611 Counseling Theories and Techniques
EDPY 612 Psychoeducational Assessment and Interventions III
EDPY 614 Practicum II in School Psychology
EDPY 616 Human Growth and Development
EDPY 618 Behavior Management: Classroom Discipline and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
EDPY 620 Internship I in School Psychology
EDPY 622 Internship II in School Psychology
EDPY 624 Internship III in School Psychology
EDSP 545 Special Programs Independent Study
EDSP 546 Special Programs Workshop
EDSP 547 Special Programs Seminar
EDSP 548 Mazza Institute: Children's Picture Storybooks: Windows on the World
EDSP 554 Mathematics Teaching for Grades 4 and 5
EDSP 555 Science Teaching for Grades 4 and 5
EDSP 556 Social Studies Teaching for Grades 4 and 5
EDSP 603 Biodiversity of Northwest Ohio
EDSP 604 Science and Technology for Educators
EDSP 605 Oceanus: Thematic Teaching
EDSP 606 Ecosystems and Society for Educators
EDSP 607 Astronomy for Teachers and Naturalists
EDSP 608 Science as a Way of Knowing/Inquiry-Based Science Instruction
EDSP 609 Advanced Methods in Teaching High School Science
EDSP 610 Modern Concepts in Life Science
EDSP 615 Differentiated Instruction
EDSP 618 Integrating the Humanities
EDSP 620 Grant Writing
EDSP 621 Writing for Children
EDSP 622 Topics in Children's Literature
EDSP 630 The Leader: Facilitator of Innovation and Strategic Management
EDSP 631 Collaborative Grant Writing
EDSP 632 Evidence-Informed Decision Making
EDSP 633 Educational Leaders as Mentors
EDSP 634 Program Development: Curriculum Design and Delivery
EDSP 635 Professional Networking and Organizations: Career Building
EDSP 640 New Teacher Induction
EDSP 642 Leading Innovation in Schools Today
EDSP 644 Developing a Professional Learning Community
EDSP 645 Educators as First Responders: Crisis, Counseling, and Trauma-Informed Support
EDSP 648 Advanced Mazza Institute: Children's Picture Storybooks: Windows on the World
EDSP 655 Foundations of Athletic Administration
EDSP 656 Legal and Ethical Issues in Athletic Administration
EDSP 657 Athletic Administration Financial Analysis and Reporting
EDSP 660 Contemporary Practices in P12 School Counseling
EDSP 661 School Counselors as Educational Leaders
EDSP 662 Career Counseling in P12 Schools
EDUC 500 Being an Educational Leader
EDUC 502 Collaboration: Education and Community
EDUC 505 Research for the Educational Leader
EDUC 514 Children's Literature across the Curriculum
EDUC 515 The Art of Picture Books
EDUC 541 Educational Leader as a Change Agent
EDUC 552 Culminating Project in Education
EDUC 650 Increasing Effectiveness through Principle-Centered Leadership
EDUC 655 Increasing Effectiveness through Professional Coaching
EDUC 700 Writing as a Doctoral Scholar
EDUC 701 Orientation to Doctoral Study
EDUC 703 Policy Analysis: Political and Legal Principles
EDUC 705 Strategic Planning and Continuous Improvement
EDUC 707 Global Dimensions and Perspectives on Diversity
EDUC 709 Performance Management Practices for Effective Leadership
EDUC 711 Influential Thinkers: Selected Readings and Critical Analysis
EDUC 713 Innovation and Information Literacy
EDUC 715 Inviting Environments to Facilitate the Affective Domain
EDUC 750 Research I: Literature Review
EDUC 751 Research I: Dissertation
EDUC 760 Research II: Quantitative Research and Measurement
EDUC 763 Single-Case Research Design and Analysis
EDUC 765 Research II: Qualitative Research and Measurement
EDUC 770 Research III: Research Design and Proposal Development
EDUC 771 Research III Dissertation
EDUC 780 Research IV: Data Analysis Coaching
EDUC 781 Research IV Dissertation
EDUC 790 Dissemination of Research
EDUC 791 Dissertation Submission