Guidelines and Policy for the Safe Use of Outdoor Grills
Due to the potential danger of fire or injury from the use, or misuse, of charcoal grills, the University of Findlay enforces the following grilling limitations. Grills are prohibited from use anywhere on campus (including housing), except at the following designated permanent grill sites:
- Lovett Residence Hall, located between Lovett and Henderson Dining Hall.
- Quad (2) – one is located in the courtyard and the other is located near the main entrance to Fox Hall.
- Townhouses (3) – two are located in Courtyard between Townhouses 1-4 & 15-19 and the other is near the gazebo on the north end of Townhouses 5-14.
- The Village – East Courtyard.
Any exception to these restrictions is at the discretion of the University.
To better protect the campus community and to allow individuals to have a safe and enjoyable cook-out, please read and comply with the following safety guidelines:
- Only charcoal pretreated with starter fluid (e.g., Kingsford Match Light) is permitted to be used. NOTE: Liquid starter fluid is not permitted to be used, nor stored in any University-owned or -controlled property. Always store the charcoal away from heat and open flame, and in a well-ventilated area. Store it in the original bag, keeping it closed to avoid evaporation of the petroleum distillates. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use printed on the side of the bag. Individuals are responsible to purchase their own charcoal and matches (or lighter). Unused charcoal is not permitted to be stored in any University-owned or -controlled property.
- ONLY USE CHARCOAL IN THE GRILLS (Do not use firewood, etc., which can damage the grills). Keep fire extinguisher on hand at all times when using grill. Individuals may request a fire extinguisher from Campus Safety by calling 419-434-4601.
- NEVER ADD CHARCOAL STARTER FLUID, OR ANY OTHER FLAMMABLE LIQUID, WHEN THE COALS HAVE ALREADY BEEN IGNITED! Flames can travel up to the can and cause an explosion. Never use an electric or chimney style starter.
- NEVER add pretreated charcoal to an existing fire.
- Don’t wear loose clothing around charcoal grills, which can be ignited by flames or flaming grease.
- You are ready to begin cooking when the charcoal is almost ashed over (about 20 minutes after lighting). Be sure to cook meats thoroughly to avoid food-related illnesses. Please note, the University of Findlay is contracted with Sodexo to provide all food and dining services on campus. This includes the catering for all on-campus events. Offices, departments, student groups, organizations, visitors, and all others hosting an event on campus that will have food are required to communicate with the Catering Office located in Room 45 of The Alumni Memorial Union (AMU), or via email at Additional information on the catering options can be found on the Catering webpage. Please review the University’s Catering Policy for additional information.
- NEVER leave a grill with open flame or hot coals unattended.
- NEVER dispose of remaining coals or ashes in trash cans or dumpsters. Please do not dump them, whether they are hot or cold, on the ground. Using caution (as sudden steam production and spattering may burn you), douse the coals with water before leaving the grill unattended.
- Please call Campus Safety at 419-434-4601 to notify the office before your event begins, and after your event has concluded. Campus Safety will dispatch an officer to ensure open flames/coals/embers have been properly extinguished.