Publicity Posting on Campus
In order for materials to be posted or displayed on University owned or controlled property, they must first be approved by the Facilities Office located in the Alumni Memorial Union.
General guidelines for publicity posting are as follows:
- Items to be posted/displayed must be placed in/on designated areas stipulated by the Facilities Office.
- Items to be distributed to University mailboxes (for offices or campus residents) must be taken to Postal Services.
- Items to be distributed to campus housing areas must be taken to Housing and Residence Life.
- Publicity materials may NOT be posted on windows, vehicles, and doors; or distributed to offices/student rooms.
- Due to fire code, there is no posting on entry/exit doors unless Facilities gives prior approval for a specific location on the day of the event.
- UF does not permit off campus entities to post publicity materials on University owned or controlled property without prior approval from the Facilities Office.
- Items posted or displayed on University owned or controlled property must be removed and cleaned up as stipulated by the Facilities Office.
- UF is not responsible for loss or damage of posted or displayed items.
Approved publicity posting methods generally include:
- Posters - size is limited to 8 1/2” by 14” unless special approval is given.
- Table tents - size is limited to 6 1/2" by 4 1/4".
- Window decoration/displays - limited to specific areas with advance reservation.
- Banners - size is limited to a flat full sheet, and to specific areas with advance reservation.
- Chalk - may only be used on specific sidewalks with advance reservation.
For more information or questions, contact the Office of Facilities Scheduling and Events at: 419-434-6942.