Athletic Policy
- All locker rooms used by UF athletics teams have clear signage showing which biological sex (male or female) will have exclusive use of the locker room.
- During athletics competitions, visiting teams will have access to an assigned locker room. On the outside of the assigned locker room door, there will be a clear sign with the (1) name of the school and sports team printed in color and (2) language showing which biological sex (male or female) may use the locker room (“Clear Signage”). Game Management will be responsible for mounting the Clear Signage. Each assigned locker room will have proper Visiting Team Signage for the duration of the athletic event.
- Only athletes from the visiting team are permitted in the assigned locker room.
- There may be instances where a visiting team employee or representative (e.g., coach) may need to enter an assigned locker room that is designated for a biological sex that is different than the employee's biological sex. Game Management will be responsible for temporarily designating the assigned locker room as a meeting room and visiting team employees and representatives, regardless of biological sex, will have access to the room for purposes of meeting with the visiting team.
- Individuals of one biological sex are prohibited from entering the locker rooms of the opposite biological sex, unless under these limited circumstances mandated by Ohio law:
- A child under the age of ten who is being assisted by a parent, guardian, or family member, as well as the parent, guardian, or family member who is assisting the child;
- A person with a disability who is being assisted by another person, as well as the person providing assistance to the person with a disability;
- An employee of the institution of higher education whose job duties require the employee to enter a restroom, locker room, changing room, or shower room that is designated for a biological sex that is different than the employee's biological sex;
- A person who enters a restroom, locker room, changing room, or shower room that is designated for a biological sex that is different than the person's biological sex because the person reasonably believes the person is responding to a legitimate emergency.